As autumn comes closer, more talks emerge about a probable conclusion of an Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine that can come about in as little as a few months in Vilnius. In anticipation of this event, our correspondent interviewed an expert in the politics of Ukraine N., doctor of historical sciences, about the state of affairs in Ukraine and its future. Being an expert in Ukrainian politics, could you answer why Ukraine marks time for many years and cannot decide which entity to join – the European Union or the Customs Union? By the way, Baltic countries needed very little time for self-determination.” Unfortunately (or luckily), the world’s way is that clerisy cannot compete with criminal groups or big business guys. The latter will dominate in every instance as they have weapons and want to commit crimes; they are mastered in grim business and they reach after getting access to the national budget and material goods resulted from being in power. Everyone in the world would like to have money without working. To steal businessmen’s money on a regular basis through the medium of tax authorities and police… What can be more alluring than this dream? Does this only refer to the current government considered as a bad one by the global community? Does Die Zeit have a point when calling for overthrowing the existing dictatorship in Ukraine? Unfortunately, this tendency is pertinent to both ruling power and the opposition in Ukraine. Reforms suggested by the European Union are focused on eliminating richness as a result of coming to power. It is required to make sure the clerisy comes to power in this country. It is the only way to create miracle that took place, for example, in Romania. At that time, the national elite practically drew its country, where “people still ride in carts in the cities”, into the European Union. No matter how educated and developed the Ukrainian nation is, it will reach nothing in the world of international competition and cooperation without a normal elite (photo by A. Franskoy). However, how would representatives of unarmed Ukrainian intellectuals, modest writers, research officers and university lecturers (economists, lawyers, political experts) come to power? The revolution of elite is a key factor that will play a crucial part in the European and even Customs and Union Integration. Without it, our country will decay, and the population will work for a “company of one national-wide owner”. Press freedom, absence of selective justice, combating corruption - all these demands by the EU are needed to make sure representatives of the real elite come to power in Ukraine. Nevertheless, it is a big issue how to move the current elite away from the state budget and easy money within power structures. Perhaps, the European Union may “squeeze out” a solution. As soon as corruption is overcome, it will be possible to beat injustice in courts, and criminal groups will leave the power. Since they cannot make money, there will be no sense for them to stay and “blow cover” yet again.
Does this “revolution of elite” imply any revolution that took place in Arab states? In fact, one cannot call “Orange Revolution” a revolution as such: the elite had changed, but in several months, they were in deep corruption. Yes and no. On the one hand, it is good to find a “security official”, a man of the people, who would break up the corruption power and establish new rules of game. One of the opposition leaders, Vitali Klitschko, would cope with this task pretty well. On the other hand, there is a certain risk that the leader’s environment will do their dark deeds and start bringing multimillion bribes to his office. From this point, Russia is in better position. First, its oppositionists followed the Ukrainian way by choosing the former Prime Minister Kasyanov, who was “offended” by the power, to be their leader. However, when Kasyanov’s analogue, the offended leader Yushchenko, turned into a corrupted hawk, the Russians have drawn relevant conclusions. Today’s leader Navalny, a man of the people, has never been in power. He is a real “commoner” and can lead a similar team to power. What will be the way of revolutionary development in Ukraine? Would you please give a certain forecast? Is a new mass revolution moving northwards from Libya-Syria-Turkey needed? Will the current Ukrainian leaders have the insight and “outsource” the US and European economics professors who may sort out the mess in the country? It is not easy to answer these questions yet. Time will tell. Thanks for the interview! Thank you!